Great news for Admob whose $750million acquisition by Google has been approved by the Federal Trade Commission in the US today. This was being given significant review by the FTC who were concerned that if Google bought Admob they would have a virtual monopoly on the market. As Apple is launching their own mobile advertising service, this was seen as enough to prove that the market is bigger than they first thought.
According to the Mercury News,
‘Citing a move by Apple — the Cupertino maker of Mac computers and “i” devices — to start its own iAd service to put display ads into iPhone and iPad apps, the FTC concluded that Google’s AdMob purchase “is unlikely to harm competition in the emerging market for mobile advertising networks.”‘
Congratulations to Omar Hamoui, founder and Russell Buckley, Admob’s EMEA CEO and VP Alliances and the whole Admob team. Creating a market is no mean achievement.
We are delighted that Russell will be speaking about his experiences of Identifying and Targeting Big Markets at our BLN Growth Forum event on 15th July. More details here.