Man can’t balance the demands of running company with his family. What he did next may surprise you…

He resigned from the company. Max Shireson, CEO of MongoDB resigns with some pointed comments about how women are treated in the workplace before announcing his resignation to spend more time with his family.

“Earlier this summer, Matt Lauer asked Mary Barra, the CEO of GM, whether she could balance the demands of being a mom and being a CEO. The Atlantic asked similar questions of PepsiCo’s female CEO Indra Nooyi. As a male CEO, I have been asked what kind of car I drive and what type of music I like, but never how I balance the demands of being both a dad and a CEO.” “Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood. Somehow, the same people don’t ask me.”

Full resignation letter here. Great honesty and still unusual in a world where business still often seems to be the most important thing in an executive’s life. Is it possible to strike a good balance?