The BLN Money Back Promise

We have offered our guests a money back guarantee since we started in 2007. We are about building networks and nurturing relationships and some people don’t feel comfortable committing cash and time against an unknown quantity – despite the testimonials of previous participants. Fair enough. We also calculated that the value we would get back from someone that asks for a refund is huge. If someone cares enough to ask for their money back, they will have something useful to say to us and we want to hear about it.

We tried to nick the wording take inspiration for the words for a money back guarantee from other event sites but then discovered that we couldn’t find any conferences or fora that offered such a thing.

Here then is ours. It is all our own work. If you know of events that do, would be fascinated to take a look.

No Quibble Money Back Guarantee

We hope you will get value from your day but we also recognise that you are busy and probably thinking why should I give up a day at work and go to another conference?

We think you will find the people you meet at our Forum have more in common with you, and have more to offer you by way of shared experience, advice, investment and potential partnerships, than most events you go to. (Or you don’t bother going to anymore because you have got bored with wasting your time at events where some terribly important people get up on stage in a large, darkened room and don’t really tell you anything).

Business of Software IS different – and we are prepared to put your money where our mouth is.

If you register on time for the day, you can at any point over the course of the proceedings, tell a member of our team you are leaving as you don’t feel you got value and would like your registration fee returned. We would love to know why, but we will happily return it with no questions asked. We look on this guarantee as our investment in customer feedback.

Frankly, we find it strange that other events don’t offer the same promise.