Microsoft Mobile Incubation Week EMEA, June 1-5, London

Just found out about this from @BindiK and the deadline for applications is this weekend but if you are developing for Windows Mobile, it has to be worth looking into.

Deadline for Applications May 10th!

Calling all Start Ups! Announcing Mobile Incubation Week EMEA


Have a great idea for a mobile communication? Want to be one of the first applications featured on Windows Marketplace for Mobile?

Microsoft is sponsoring the first-ever ‘EMEA Mobile Incubation Week’ to help start-ups incubate outstanding ideas. Following the success of recent event in Microsoft Silicon Valley, we have decided to replicate the event in EMEA, out of London.

Sample coverage of the US week below:


The first EMEA event will be held at Microsoft’s Cardinal Place Office, Victoria, 1st – 5th June, 2009.

The event will feature technical gurus from the Microsoft business, technology veterans who have built their own Windows Mobile applications and influential venture capitalists and industry experts. Our developers will lead interactive discussions, provide helpful advice, and facilitate actual application development on the windows mobile platform. At the end of the week we will have a prize giving where we will select a winner who will be eligible for prizes and special PR opportunities.

The event is completely FREE, although you will have to pay your own travelling expenses and each team can bring up to three participants (1 business and 1-2 technical).

All start-ups are eligible, whether or not you have a mobile application built today.

The only requirement is that you are planning to develop a new application on Windows Mobile 6.1 or 6.5.

Spots are limited.

To nominate your team, please submit the following details to

  • Contact information
  • Location of Company
  • Size of company and year founded (if applicable)
  • Overview of your idea
  • Why you would like to participate
  • How your applications is unique to Windows Mobile

*Note: please do not send confidential materials at this time as no NDA has been signed.

Applications will be judged according to the strength of the founding team, originality and creativity of the idea and its uniqueness to Windows Mobile. The deadline for applications is May 10th so get your applications in today so you don’t miss out.

If you have any questions please feel free to email