My name is Shamus and I want to get millions of women pregnant

As opening lines go it is up there with the best of them and when Shamus Husheer introduced himself earlier this year at a BLNĀ  discussion dinner he certainly grabbed people’s attention. Describing himslf as a prolific inventor, he has spent much of his working life in instrumentation. He realised that while small changes in female body temperature were an incredibly accurate method or predicting female fertility, the methods available to track thee changes were primitive. He got to work and Cambridge Temperature Concepts was born.

We saw a prototype version of the device earlier this year (pictured).

Prototype Duofertility device. Possibly not the correct way to wear it.

Prototype Duofertility device. Possibly not the correct way to wear it.

This is where the magic happens...

This is where the magic happens...

It is great to see that this has hit the shops now.

No doubt Shamus is moving ever closer to his life’s work of leaving millions of women happily pregnant.