Three (more) things to make more money for Google

Interesting take on Google’s most recent updates and how they will make Google more revenue.

Worth taking a look at the whole report from Merrill Lynch – it is a PDF document that can be downloaded here Google-changes-Merrill-Lynch-Report

Three changes that could drive better monetization

Summer (usually August) is when Google has introduced changes to the site to increase monetization, and this year is no exception. We have noted three changes this year that could serve to increase revenues on a sequential and y/y basis on 1) moving text ads to the right side of the page closer toward free listings, 2) introducing product ads in sponsored search results (still in test mode), and 3) adding video trailers to sponsored search results (for movies). We see these initiatives as biggest potential YTD monetization changes in 2009. (Please see screen shots within this report for more detail.)

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