eCommerce Discussion Dinner. Will the High Street kill ecommerce?

The high street retail behemoths, with brand awareness, revenue and scalable infrastructure on their side, are increasingly dominating online activity. Our guests will debate the question, ‘Will the High Street of the future be a threat or opportunity for pure play ecommerce?’

The BLN will bring a few of the UK’s most interesting ecommerce entrepreneurs who are transforming their industries together with select investors and some retail industry giants. A chance to meet other incredible people, share ideas on emerging business models, challenges and how we might support each other in our goals.

BLN discussion dinners are run under the Chatham House Rule and draw key participants in business ecosystems – incumbents, investors and growing entrepreneurial enterprises – together to meet and discuss important and pressing issues about the future of their industry.

We are delighted to be partnering with Brown Rudnick, Calibre 1 and Deloitte for this important discussion.

Brown Rudnick
Calibre One


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