Salesforce leads SaaS charge into Enterprise

Some good news for software vendors in Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s quarterly CIO Survey.

Photo by Wurzeller licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

Photo by Wurzeller licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

Expectations are that spending may be up in 2010 and the possibility/promise of a last quarter budget flush is out there.

Good news for SaaS vendors in particular:

“Cost savings and ease-of-implementation have led CIOs to give high priority to OnDemand software at +3.1% (vs. +3.5% q/q). 71% of the CIOs surveyed were considering a SaaS solution (up from 65% q/q).”

To view the full report, download it here: Bank of America Merrill Lynch CIO Survey – Server & Enterprise