The BLN Cleantech Discussion & Dinner – Ambition not Invention

“Everything that can be invented has been invented”. Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. patent office, 1899 (fabled attributed misquote).

Is this sentiment applicable to Cleantech? We enter a new decade where global markets recognise that clean solutions are required to ensure long term energy supply and security, and environmental stability. Should Cleantech take a lesson from the software industry and focus on commercial roll-out of their solutions on a ‘good enough’ basis and then refine through market feedback. There is no doubt the UK has enough invention, but does it have enough people with enough ambition?

For this BLN Cleantech Discussion and Dinner we invite ambitious companies focused on innovation rather than invention to help identify the mechanisms by which Cleantech companies can deliver to markets. BLN discussion dinners are run under the Chatham House Rule and draw key participants in business ecosystems – incumbents, investors and growing entrepreneurial enterprises – together to meet and discuss important and pressing issues about the future of their industry.

Previous participants: Solar Century, Plastic Logic, Good Energies, Intelligent Energy, NuaLight, Nujira, Climate Change Capital as well as, and very importantly, some rising stars that we have tracked down from across the UK. We expect approximately 14-15 companies to be present, along with 4-5 key investors in the Cleantech ecosystem.

The directors of BLN have been actively involved in Cleantech for over 6 years and were instrumental in defining the space alongside organisations such as the Carbon Trust. We also devised the inaugural Library House/Guardian Cleantech 100 Index.

We are delighted to be partnering with Calibre One, Deloitte and Orrick on this discussion.

We are always interested in talking to founders, Chairs and CEOs who can contribute actively to the discussion. For further information, please contact us directly at:

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