Is an hour with a CFO worth £100?

We have been approached by a research agency working on behalf of a major bank. They are conducting a study into the decision making processes and associated factors that large companies take into account when choosing who they bank with. Ultimately the bank wishes to understand what customers want  so they can deliver it. As wanting service providers to deliver what CFOs need seems to be a recurring theme at our CFO brainstorming breakfasts, this seemed like a good idea.

The agency is looking to chat for an hour with CFO’s, Financial Directors or Managing Directors; either by phone or in person, from companies (turnover of £30 million plus) to help their client gain some insights into these processes and factors. This chat would in no way represent your company’s views and practices; it would merely reflect the thoughts and opinions of a financial professional with this level of experience and responsibility.

Your involvement in this study would be completely confidential, and no-one outside of the immediate research team would have access to your details. It would be a one off conversation and there would be no follow up contact.

As a thank-you for your time, they are offering an incentive of £100 for the hour-long chat, which can be conducted at a time suitable to you. I am sure they would be equally happy to donate the money in your name to a charity of your choice.

If you would like to participate in this study, please email Jon Swingler directly at the address below, and feel free to take a look at their website. Despite the company name, this is not a ‘recruitment agency’ their business is recruiting people to market research programmes.