- #BNP change rules to allow non-white members. Somehow still don't think I will be tempted. http://bit.ly/NoUKFascism #
- No matter how much effort you put in, you don’t expect a snake to poo on your table. http://bit.ly/SnakyStool #
- Gerry Adams on Channel Four talking about what Jesus thinks about forgiveness… On how many levels is that wrong? #
- Bing vs Google country personalisation. Neck & neck in the US. Rest of the World – only 1 winner. http://bit.ly/944Ajg #
- Oops, "Create realistic budgets. See where your money really goes" Kublax goes into administration. http://bit.ly/4ry8FO #
- Anyone know how many people trade shares in UK and US? Numbers or percentages would be awesome. #
- Elevator pitch of the week. Fill your boots or send me a worse one: http://bit.ly/9QUGKB #
- I just backed up my tweets because Twitter doesn't. Backup yours here for free. http://backupmytweets.com #
- Kublax Finance. I will not die dammit! Announces possible deal with SimplyFinance. http://bit.ly/dtx25i #