LIFT11 Assorted Stories: Hasan Elahi, Marcel Kampman, Tara Sheers


Stories from people with amazing lives and projects. Meet the guy who puts his life online to escape the FBI, and the initiator of project Dream School who wants to design a new and better place to teach and learn.

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Hasan Elahi, Giving away your privacy to escape the US terrorist watch list.

    Hasan, a US citizen tells of his experiences of arriving at Detroit airport when he was detained by Immigration and Naturalization Service. The authorities were convinced he had been up to terrorist activities that are frowned upon in the US. Six months, and nine lie detector tests later…

    He was OK. But as he had never been formally charged with anything (as he hadn’t done anything), he could not be cleared of anything. This made travel difficult and he ended up having to call the FBI whenever he was travelling in advance in case he was pulled in again. He was stuck in a relationship with an organisation that could really make his life hard – he could be sent to Guantanamo for no reason.

    He started to overshare his life with the FBI.

    At the end of 2003 he stared to share his life with everyone, letting people track him wherever he is at any point in time…

    Where am I?

    Where am I?

    Now Hasan shares everything – his flights, his meals, his phone calls, his bank accounts, every toilet he has visited… Hasan doesn’t necessarily sort the data in any sensible order.

    Some of the visitors to Hasan's website!

    Some of the visitors to Hasan's website!

    By sharing everything, Hasan has found that he has become more anonymous. Hasan built his own system to do this but finds it amusing that the world is catching up – FourSquare, Twitter, Facebook etc… We are getting to the point that we are producing so much information in the world that we will never be able to do anything with it.

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    Marcel Kampman, Reinventing schools – project Dream School.

    Human Potential

    Human Potential

    The Dream Gap Happykamping

    The Dream Gap Happykamping

    Great talk, beautiful slides. I elected to listen as a Dad, not blog. Watch it:

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    Tara Shears, An update on the Large Hadron Collider project.

    The role of physics is to understand the universe. whenever I hear physicists talking today I am amazed at what great presenters and explainers they are. I am sure it wasn’t like that when I was at school.

    Physics - understanding the universe

    Physics - understanding the universe

    12 fundamental particles are held together with fundamental forces.

    CERN is trying to work out how the particles and forces all hang together.

    CERN Large Hadron Collider

    CERN Large Hadron Collider

    The LHC is trying to see what happened at the beginning of the universe. This was a brilliant talk. Data and passion rich. Watch it.

    “What will we find?”

    “We have no idea! We will have to wait and see.”

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