CEO Tales BIG Discussion roundup.

Huge thanks to everyone who got involved in Wednesday’s CEO Tales run with the generous and active support of Taylor Wessing and Erevena.

Without wishing to sound too triumphant, (I didn’t do any of the discussing after all!), the panel was one of the best I have heard and sparked some really intelligent debates about the subject over the evening. I am sure you will join me in saying a huge, ‘THANK YOU!’ to Rory Cellan-Jones, Stephen Allott, Ben Holmes, Sherry Coutu and William Reeve.

Don’t forget to go and sponsor Rory for his Red Nose Day slim. Apparently he lost 200 grammes last week, but perhaps with a bit more encouragement from us, he will win the prize in the BBC Economics Unit for the biggest loser.

There have been a few press mentions of the discussion – Real Deals, Business Insider, though sadly no one has yet picked up on the observations around the UK being such an attractive place for foreign entrepreneurs to grow large businesses – we are clearly doing lots right!

Here are a few pictures from the evening, you can see more and add your own on Flickr. Feel free to add notes and names.

Discussing the notion

The panel

Those worried that the UK was unable to support BIG businesses

The people


Opening up to the FLoor

Sean Phelan appeals for calm

Simon Davies, Snaptu

Simon Davies, Snaptu

Getting heated...

Nick Black, Cloudmade

And the Tweet Stream. Thank you for all the contributions. It goes without saying that you should follow all of these people:

  • @The_BLN, 18/03/2011, 12:57, RT @MarkLittlewood: Culture, countries & growing global businesses #BLNBIG
  • @MarkLittlewood, 18/03/2011, 09:26, Culture, countries & growing global businesses #BLNBIG
  • @DarrenBLN, 17/03/2011, 17:10, RT @MarkLittlewood: #BLNBIG LoveFilm’s Reeve wanted to ‘take fight to US’. Real Deals coverage of BIG discussion.
  • @IqbalGandham, 17/03/2011, 16:17, RT @the_bln: #BLNBIG  VCs backing #LoveFilm didn’t have stomach to ‘take fight’ to US says @wreeve
  • @hkanji, 17/03/2011, 16:10, RT @The_BLN: #BLNBIG RT @MAJACKS0N VCs backing #LoveFilm didn’t have stomach to ‘take fight’ to US says @wreeve good critique of EU VC
  • @The_BLN, 17/03/2011, 15:59, #BLNBIG RT @MAJACKS0N VCs backing #LoveFilm didn’t have stomach to ‘take fight’ to US says @wreeve good critique of EU VC
  • @NeilDavidson, 17/03/2011, 15:50, RT @MarkLittlewood: #BLNBIG LoveFilm’s Reeve wanted to ‘take fight to US’. Real Deals coverage of BIG discussion.
  • @MarkLittlewood, 17/03/2011, 13:50, #BLNBIG LoveFilm’s Reeve wanted to ‘take fight to US’. Real Deals coverage of BIG discussion.
  • @wellingtonvc, 17/03/2011, 13:13, RT @wanderingvc: pointless to keep comparing London to silicon valley. Of course there is a difference but it does not mean we cannot do well #BLNbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 17/03/2011, 09:27, #blnbig RT @alasdairgreig Would he have found it easier to build in Silicon Valley? Thanks for a great evening
  • @hkanji, 17/03/2011, 08:09, RT @Jamesb668: Just back from great BLN CEO event. Fav quote from @scoutu – UK needs more ‘finish ups’ not more start ups. #BLNBIG #UKVentureCapital
  • @simonbayly, 17/03/2011, 07:04, @scoutu Tricky to get the nuances of more & bigger & better across in 140 characters! #blnbig
  • @rorybernard, 17/03/2011, 06:23, RT @wreeve: Lots of great attendees at #BLNbig – thanks to hosts Taylor Wessing. <- packed with interesting people. Must go find US acquirer
  • @MarkLittlewood, 17/03/2011, 01:47, #blnbig debate aside, if you get home at 2am & your son built you this, you should be happy.
  • @twilli2861, 17/03/2011, 00:09, RT @simonbayly: Top quote from the #blnbig tweet stream “We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more finishups” says @scoutu
  • @scoutu, 16/03/2011, 23:52, Hmmm, meant to give the opposite impression…Not content at all! both are needed & bigger ones are better : #blnbig @scoutu
  • @simonbayly, 16/03/2011, 23:21, Top quote from the #blnbig tweet stream “We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more finishups” says @scoutu
  • @DarrenBLN, 16/03/2011, 23:21, Amazing crowd, interesting stats, great panel, fantastic mini burgers. Home before midnight – perfect evening – Thanks All #BLNBIG
  • @BDO_Cambridge, 16/03/2011, 22:23, RT @mikebutcher: .@MarkLittlewood runs a great event #BLNbig . Power players here.
  • @Jamesb668, 16/03/2011, 22:08, Just back from great BLN CEO event. Fav quote from @scoutu – UK needs more ‘finish ups’ not more start ups. #BLNBIG #UKVentureCapital
  • @sara_daw, 16/03/2011, 22:08, RT @danbowyer: RT @bindik: We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more ‘finishups’ says @scoutu #blnbig
  • @sakusipola, 16/03/2011, 21:27, RT @MarkLittlewood: #BLNBIG John Taysom notes cost of getting to startup has fallen massively. Cost of getting to finish up has ballooned.
  • @NeilDavidson, 16/03/2011, 21:27, RT @mikebutcher: .@MarkLittlewood runs a great event #BLNbig . Power players here.
  • @nick_b, 16/03/2011, 21:26, Enjoyed #BLNbig – but maybe an event with 100 top CEOs & founders debating if the UK is a good place for tech is symptomatic of the problem
  • @ruskin147, 16/03/2011, 21:13, Great debate and great crowd at #blnbig event – and met some inspiring tech startup folks
  • @danbowyer, 16/03/2011, 20:49, RT @bindik: We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more ‘finishups’ says @scoutu #blnbig
  • @taxiroute, 16/03/2011, 20:28, @Nero this is quite interesting.. #BLNBIG
  • @Wolfgang_S, 16/03/2011, 20:19, Too bad I couldn’t make it RT @mikebutcher: .@MarkLittlewood runs a great event #BLNbig . Power players here.
  • @danmux, 16/03/2011, 20:16, RT @jamesvarga: Does the UK manufacturer and export startups?  #BLNbig <– Not many, but some of us help reduce imports 😉
  • @jaskaran78, 16/03/2011, 20:12, RT @bindik: Capital to create a startup has decreased, but the capital needed to get to a finishup and global scale has significantly increased #blnbig
  • @mikebutcher, 16/03/2011, 19:59, .@MarkLittlewood runs a great event #BLNbig . Power players here.
  • @louisemarston, 16/03/2011, 19:59, RT @wanderingvc: pointless to keep comparing London to silicon valley. Of course there is a difference but it does not mean we cannot do well #BLNbig
  • @nuxnix, 16/03/2011, 19:55, Hey @MarkLittlewood Sorry not to be at #blnbig I am bootstrapping just to avoid these issues but it causes distraction and lack of agility
  • @plc, 16/03/2011, 19:55, @troukaerts mini burgers soon #blnbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:54, #BLNBIG RT @mikebutcher Great points being made: Too many EU VCs from PE. Too much tax on Startups. VCs run on fees no exits. #thebln
  • @jamesvarga, 16/03/2011, 19:53, The UK startup mentality is indeed changing – and needs 2 2 compete with the silicon valley.  #BLNbig
  • @bindik, 16/03/2011, 19:53, Capital to create a startup has decreased, but the capital needed to get to a finishup and global scale has significantly increased #blnbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:53, #BLNBIG John Taysom notes cost of getting to startup has fallen massively. Cost of getting to finish up has ballooned.
  • @nuxnix, 16/03/2011, 19:51, RT “@plc: wow #blnbig is simply insulting to the dozens of post 2000 generation funded startups” Why?
  • @troukaerts, 16/03/2011, 19:51, Attending #blnbig vicariously via twitter stream. @plc should be on the panel.
  • @ssethi, 16/03/2011, 19:51, .@wanderingvc agree stop comparing – does that also mean we can stop calling it “silicon roundabout” #BLNbig
  • @multizone, 16/03/2011, 19:51, . @acunu #blnbig Funded UK startup conventional wisdom is to go to the US, and specifically to Framingham or San Mateo.
  • @wanderingvc, 16/03/2011, 19:49, pointless to keep comparing London to silicon valley. Of course there is a difference but it does not mean we cannot do well #BLNbig
  • @multizone, 16/03/2011, 19:48, RT “@MarkLittlewood: +1 RT @wreeve: Lots of great attendees at #BLNbig – thanks to hosts Taylor Wessing & Erevena” Erevena – Good people ^af
  • @taxiroute, 16/03/2011, 19:47, #BLNBIG how do i start to be a “finishup”?
  • @jamesvarga, 16/03/2011, 19:46, RT @bindik: We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more ‘finishups’ says @scoutu #blnbig
  • @stianwestlake, 16/03/2011, 19:45, RT @louisemarston: Great to hear @scoutu citing @nesta_uk report ‘Vital 6%’ in talking about growing tech companies. New data on this coming v soon #BLNbig
  • @bindik, 16/03/2011, 19:44, We don’t need more startups in the UK, we need more ‘finishups’ says @scoutu #blnbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:44, #BLNBIG We want more startups but need more Speedups, grown-ups and finish-ups.
  • @miicard, 16/03/2011, 19:43, RT @bindik: 35 Investments , 20 countries, emp 4-5k people, over 1/2bn in value. If @scoutu isn’t making a difference, Who is?  #BLNbig
  • @jamesvarga, 16/03/2011, 19:39, Does the UK manufacturer and export startups?  #BLNbig
  • @fmu, 16/03/2011, 19:35, #blnbig @scoutu is content with modest exits, per @wreeve the rare global EU tech successes are accidental (like founders avoiding US law)
  • @miicard, 16/03/2011, 19:35, Why not be a global player based in the UK? innovation and greatness can be born anywhere!  #BLNbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:32, RT @plc: wow #blnbig is simply insulting to the dozens of post 2000 generation funded startups => Why?
  • @plc, 16/03/2011, 19:31, wow #blnbig is simply insulting to the dozens of post 2000 generation funded startups
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:29, #BLNBIG @ruskin147 Panel broadly agrees that we cannot create global technology leaders, disagree as to whether that matters.
  • @scott_sage, 16/03/2011, 19:29, RT @The_BLN: #BLNBIG If betting was legal in the US, BetFair would have been thrashed by American competitors.
  • @The_BLN, 16/03/2011, 19:28, #BLNBIG @wreeve UK still has some extraordinarily successful businesses in the technology sector.
  • @The_BLN, 16/03/2011, 19:27, #BLNBIG If betting was legal in the US, BetFair would have been thrashed by American competitors.
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:26, #BLNBIG BG UK businesses like Sage have advantage of big enough market that is unique to UK. Accounting law varies by country.
  • @jamesatye, 16/03/2011, 19:24, Amazon is 20x bigger than its next biggest online retail competitor thanks $1.7 bn tech spend per annum from #blnbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:23, #BLNBIG @wreeve Big means BIG – Amazon is 20x bigger than next nearest rival. THAT is BIG. Mwah hah hah.
  • @NathanLane, 16/03/2011, 19:21, RT @alexhoye: BCG study – UK Internet economy = 7% – will grow to 10% – not bad – @scoutu #blnbig
  • @acunu, 16/03/2011, 19:20, At #blnbig – do UK startups sell out too soon?
  • @alexhoye, 16/03/2011, 19:20, BCG study – UK Internet economy = 7% – will grow to 10% – not bad – @scoutu #blnbig
  • @jamesatye, 16/03/2011, 19:20, Average return from internet angel businesses in UK stated #blnbig is 22%
  • @louisemarston, 16/03/2011, 19:19, Great to hear @scoutu citing @nesta_uk report ‘Vital 6%’ in talking about growing tech companies. New data on this coming v soon #BLNbig
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:18, #BLNBIG @ruskin147 Introduces very distinguished panel.
  • @wanderingvc, 16/03/2011, 19:15, Well said @indexben at #BLNbig
  • @jamesatye, 16/03/2011, 19:07, To say that we are not in fine wine #blnbig is wrong. Biggest auction houses and merchants are in UK. We just don’t grow it
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 19:04, +1 RT @wreeve: Lots of great attendees at #BLNbig – thanks to hosts Taylor Wessing & Erevena
  • @jamesatye, 16/03/2011, 19:02, #blnbig is the argument that the USA has deeper pockets than the UK? If so I think I know the answer…
  • @louisemarston, 16/03/2011, 19:01, At #BLNbig to hear @ruskin147 @scoutu speaking about UK tech and selling out to US owners.
  • @miicard, 16/03/2011, 19:00, A great crowd at  #BLNbig tonight!
  • @bindik, 16/03/2011, 19:00, Here for #BLNbig discussing Europe’s next billion dollar company (@ Taylor Wessing w/ 2 others)
  • @simondmd, 16/03/2011, 18:59, @ruskin147 #BLNBIG this is the hashtag Rory 🙂
  • @jamesvarga, 16/03/2011, 18:59, Hello #BLNbig – looking forward to the discussion 🙂
  • @wanderingvc, 16/03/2011, 18:58, Bln Networking event kicking off #blnbig
  • @fmu, 16/03/2011, 18:58, old people laughing at twitter. #blnbig
  • @wreeve, 16/03/2011, 18:57, Lots of great attendees at #BLNbig – thanks to hosts Taylor Wessing
  • @azeem, 16/03/2011, 18:57, Just had a mint club #blnbig
  • @Tom_Gatten, 16/03/2011, 17:17, Going to CEO tales tonight from Mark Littlewood’s BLN #BLNBIG
  • @scott_sage, 16/03/2011, 15:45, Headed to the @RadiumOne @DFJesprit UK Launch party before the BLN CEO discussion at @TaylorWessing via @MarkLittlewood #BLNBIG
  • @DarrenBLN, 16/03/2011, 13:10, RT @MarkLittlewood: Looking forward to @indexben @wreeve @scoutu @ruskin147 & S Allott for ‘BIG’ discussion tonight. #BLNBIG
  • @The_BLN, 16/03/2011, 11:41, BLN CEO Tales ‘BIG’ discussion tonight. Hashtag #BLNBIG
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 11:29, @indexben Hashtag #BLNBIG See you later!
  • @MarkLittlewood, 16/03/2011, 11:24, Looking forward to @indexben @wreeve @scoutu @ruskin147 & S Allott for ‘BIG’ discussion tonight. #BLNBIG