Talk snapshot: Italian consumers show future is mobile for eBay. Vikas Mehta, eBay Classifieds

Talk snapshot, Money in Mobile, June 14th: Vikas Mehta, eBay Classifieds

Vikas Mehta is GM of eBay Classifieds Italy and focuses on customer satisfaction and innovation to grow market share and revenue aggressively. At BLN Money in Mobile Vikas will share lessons from eBay’s pioneering Italian mobile programme and discuss why he thinks mobile will become a core part of eBay Classifieds strategy, providing a series of new customer experiences, and forming a key tool to engage completely new customers.

Before leading the Italian classifieds business, Mehta was a Program Manager at eBay Headquarters in the U.S. Prior to joining eBay in 2008, Mehta worked with Allstate and Ten Fold Corporation focusing on software development and outsourcing strategies. Mehta completed M.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering and Technology Policy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

See what else is in store and come along: BLN Money in Mobile, 14th June

Early Bird booking till 1st June.

There is so much guff and hype about mobile that it is hard to see the important stuff. Our one dayMoney in Mobile Forum on June 14th will help you see the wood from the trees.

We want to see how companies are making money from mobile today as we think the companies that take mobile mainstream will be among some of the most successful businesses of the decade. Putting some of the people that are making this happen together in a room and helping them share ideas, meet partners, investors and customers seemed like a sensible thing to do. Throw in some press for good measure and we have the ingredients for an exceptional day of discussion, business development, networking and mobile brain food.

  • You will get to meet with senior people from companies playing leading roles in making mobile a business necessity.
  • Over 30 of the most active VCs in mobile will be there.
  • You will hear from ten businesses who will make a case to be the winner of our Money in Mobile Award. This will be presented to the company who in the opinion of the judges has the greatest potential to make money for customers.

If you are making things happen in mobile – either as an entrepreneur or adopter of technology – you will fit right in. Pontificators, hangers-on and wannabes – not so much.

Hashtag: #BLNMiM

For more information and registration: BLN Money in Mobile