Intel Capital funds the march of the robots – $13million in French Robotics company Aldebaran

Intel Capital has just announced an investment in Aldebaran Robotics, a French company that  manufactures and sells advanced, programmable humanoid robots. Aldebaran’s products combine facial and voice recognition technologies with location awareness capabilities, providing a flexible platform for application development.

Aldebaran Robot

“Commenting on the investment Arvind Sodhani, president of Intel Capital and Intel executive Vice President, said: “We are delighted to announce our investment in Aldebaran.  Aldebaran’s work in areas such as voice interaction and video analytics really highlights the advances made in robotics and computing.  Robotics has long been an area of interest because it leverages the power of computing to enrich lives of humans.”

“Christian Morales, General Manager, Europe, Middle East, Africa of Intel Corporation commented; “Over the past decade Intel has been conducting a considerable amount of research on difficult tasks such as movement in unstructured environments, gripping and vision processing. Through working with Aldebaran we hope to be able to leverage this expertise and combine it with the business’ innovative product offerings to deliver unique and exciting solutions across a range of sectors.”

“Bruno Maisonnier, founder and CEO of Aldebaran Robotics said; “Partnering with Intel is a step we believe will propel the business and the technology we have developed reach its full potential. Our products have the flexibility to provide solutions across a range of applications and this investment will play a huge role in helping drive manufacturing efficiencies and further our research capabilities to help the business’ expansion into new markets. Intel products are ideally suited for the processing demands required by robotics. According to ABI Research by 2017 the Personal Robotics market will be over $17Billion USD. This investment from Intel Capital enables Aldebaran to become a key player in this nascent industry.”

We love human robots – they look cool – even if they are another step towards the singularity.