Time Magazine’s 25 most important management books of all time

Time Magazine just released their list of the 25 most important management books of all time. Congratulations to Business of Software 2011 speaker Professor Clayton Christensen who makes the list with, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

I noticed The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is on the list too. I bought this once, put it on my desk then promptly spilt a cup of coffee on it. I don’t know if this rendered the book completely unreadable as I took it home from the office to read, left it on top of the car and drove off. Sadly, these are the kinds of things that I am in the habit of doing. I don’t know to this day whether this is the sort of behaviour that Stephen Covey would espouse. I doubt it though.

Business of Software, Boston, MA, October 24-26thhttp://businessofsoftware.org– For people growing sustainable, profitable, software businesses.