We are looking for speakers for BLN Making it Mobile ‘MiM’ Forum

We are running the 2nd BLN MiM Forum (22nd March, London), so if you are doing something interesting with mobile and want to get involved we would love to hear from you! For those of you who didn’t come along to the event we did back in June 2011, you can see what you missed here.

The MiM Forum 2012 will be a one-day conference for senior decision makers from multichannel retailers, media providers, publishers, financial services and C-level execs from fast growing mobile businesses to discuss present and actionable opportunities in mobile. We’re not interested in pondering about what the distant future may hold – we want to hear about what is making money now.

Is this something you believe in as well? If so, then we would love to talk with you. We are currently looking for speakers – whether you are an acquirer of mobile technology or enabling your customers to make money from it. We want to hear from strong characters who can engage a smart audience with controversy and stories of success and failure.

For more information about the forum or if you want to get involved, email me at Marcin@thebln.com.