BLN MiM 2012 adopts ‘Gorilla’ Tactics

The element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility are tactics we will employ for our forthcoming MiM 2012 forum.

On a similar note (keep reading and all will become clear) we are delighted to welcome Fauna & Flora International (FFI) as our Corporate Responsibility Partners for BLN MiM 2012.

FFI was established over a century ago and was the world’s first international conservation organisation. The pioneering work of it’s founders in Africa led to the creation of numerous protected areas, including Kruger and Serengeti National Parks. Today their work spans the globe, with over 100 projects in 42 countries, mostly in the developing world.

FFI have very kindly extended MiM 2012 participants an invitation to one of their private drinks receptions – Saving the gorilla. Securing a future for one of earth’s most iconic creatures – Weds 28th March 19:00 at The Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall. If you would like to find out more and book a place register here.

NB FFI’s invitation is only for signed up MiM attendees so if you would like to attend and don’t yet have a MiM 2012 ticket then you had best get a move on! Early bird tickets end on 1st March, so mark 22nd March in your diary and get your MiM ticket here.