How mobile is fairing in B2B?

Mobile may be most visible in the flashy consumer focused applications, but it’s just as big in the B2B space and is transforming the way business gets done.

This 3 minute video shows why RBS Global Banking and Markets (GBM) developed a BlackBerry PlayBook app – to address the fact that clients were consuming research data on their BlackBerries. Interesting there is also an iPad available for RBS GBM, but nothing as of yet for Android, revealing some interesting insight into the most popular operating systems in B2B markets. According to Gfk, BlackBerry was the biggest selling smartphone producer in the UK in 2o11 taking 27.7% of the market.

We think it’s important that business go mobile and make money from it. That’s why we’re running MiM 2012 (22nd March, London) a one-day conference for decision makers who are making it in mobile or want to find out more. It’s where corporates with budgets meet businesses that can solve their problems and active investors get stuck in too.

This is not about future-gazing, sales pitches or corporate nonsense. We share actionable ideas for your business today. We want you to leave with at least one idea you will implement in your company within a month. See the finalised event schedule here. Early bird tickets finish on 1st March, so mark 22nd March in your diary and get your ticket now.
