Mark Littlewood, Titan of the Twitterverse.

I thought this was some sort of clever website where you insert the name of someone you know and they appear in a list when someone sent me a link. According to the Independent, I feature at number 8 in the list of the Top 10 Business Tweeters. This is clearly ridiculous. Lord Sugar is at number 2 and I clearly make far more sense than him though Lucy Marcus is definitely worth a follow.

The photo they  had for me was terrible…

Top Business Tweeters

Things got a little more surreal when someone shoved the actual newspaper through my letterbox last night and it appears that this was printed. So now I am recognised as a Top Business Tweeter and all my friends are frankly, and rightly, awed. Neil Davidson very kindly sent me a better picture to celebrate.

Mark Littlewood Titan of the Twitterverse

Neil, you can draw me again. My wife said, ‘Gosh, that’s flattering.’

You can follow and unfollow me at @marklittlewood