- RT @bennydu Amazing video on launching a start-up, very funny too: http://t.co/SCcfadYb #
- 1974 – highest grossing film? Confessions of a Window Cleaner. Oh goodness. #
- James Murdoch evidence summarised. Politely: "I can't remember, it's nothing to do with me." #leveson #
- Murdoch relaxed about cash for someone who allegedly settled debates by asking, "Who's the f#cking billionaire here?" #
- YES PLEASE! Ken Segall, ex #Apple marketing chief talks. London, May 31st, 6-9pm. http://t.co/HfNKrL9v Think Different #
- Anyone know who is behind the government 'Design Principles' site? http://t.co/xx95zNQh cc @aral #
- Thanks Twitter. You are good for so many cool things! #
- Congrats @balsamiq on Google Drive integration – http://t.co/1lWZ0ar8 Looking forward to having a play. #CEOTales #
- The perils of being an Etonian. RT @maxniederhofer True terror… http://t.co/eDpnJ5dY #
- OH: Angel "Are you fundraising? " Nice guy "Yes" A "You're smart. What you looking for? " NG "£22 billion" A "That's nice" #
- The Nice Guy is building 2 nuclear power stations. That is like 20 Instagrams. Think big! #
- Great to meet the Springboard teams. Learned a lot. Sparky bunch. Thanks Jim & J #
- The special adviser, or SPAD/Is a highly expendable lad/Who will carry the can/When the shit hits the fan/So the minister doesn't look bad. #
- That topical limerick via @twitmericks #
- Magnificent! Imperial, Dali & Chin Beard Freestyle. It's the World Moustache Championships again. http://t.co/Rtn1CPc6 #
- How do professional footballers miss penalties? #
- Congrats Rebecca & Diana on the birth of Essential Parent – babycare DVDs http://t.co/eopKTvQJ (8 years too late for us…) #
- Is there a UK equivalent of Kickstarter? #
- Should have used the bare-chested coder picture! RT @balsamiq Wow, I'm "Geek of the Week"! http://t.co/IZg2WBOJ 🙂 #
- Wow. What UK company just raised a WHOPPER? I won't steal thunder even for 40m eye balls. #
- Google Translate translates equivalent of 1 million books per day. http://t.co/Dc99KkGE #
- Amazing! Girl, 14. "I work on a tech startup. Stop making excuses, make something AWESOME" http://t.co/UZNCIYXV #
- Amazing! Girl, 14. "I work on a tech startup. Stop making excuses, make something AWESOME" http://t.co/UZNCIYXV @dharmesh #
- Great work Rebecca & Diana! @Essentialparent launched Tues, on ITV with Robert Winston Wed am. http://t.co/MerujCzR #
- Thx Bruce. This made my week >10x better. MT @brucedaisley this story almost made me cry. @Twitter http://t.co/yHh6bWQp #
- Worth it. RT @balsamiq My next 4 days: 48h hours in Vegas, 38h getting there and back. #microconf #