Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-24

  • Congratulations Index on new €350m early stage tech fund – Class act #VC #Europe #
  • Apple Stores set all display laptops at exact angle every day. Here's why… Insanely Simple. #
  • Where ads meets big data, Stifel Nicolas Media Internet Conf. Becoming blasé about peta & zetta – in real time. #bigdata #
  • Over 30% of email is opened on mobile devices today according to CEO AddThis. Massive implications for ad copy writing. #
  • Listening to public company CEOs not answer questions about their business. An art form. Good sport but not informative. #
  • Lunch panel, 'Mobile Social Awesomeness'. Stifel Nicolas might just like this stuff. #
  • Coke partnered with fans to build Coke Facebook Page organically. Thinks would require investment today – more noise. #
  • Coke – building big Twitter fan base harder/more expensive than Facebook. FB geared to building likes. #
  • Coke – new Twitter platform launching tomorrow designed to make it easier for advertisers to spend money & measure ROI. #
  • Mobile = 30% of opened marketing emails. What does this mean for marketing? #
  • Nice view from bedroom of Hotel Kelleher. Now to new fave US city – Boston. Anyone about? #
  • Man brings own pussy to strip club. Is this a language thing?! #
  • Starting to realise New York Post is a bit 'Daily Mail'. Fearless, balanced, inciteful. Nah. #
  • Trains less stress than planes. Rails, not air, hold them off ground. New England coast pretty on beautiful summer day. #
  • And TED *used* to be so upmarket. What happened @TEDChris? #
  • Guess what?! "The product Jonny Ive would make with complete hardware & UI design control at Apple" #
  • Thanks for hosting in Boston this afternoon Matrix Partners. Not getting much work done… #
  • At InterContinental BOS – can't find bed. Call reception. Discovered door, huge bedroom + extra giant bathroom. WIN #
  • RT @TheDaveCollins AdWords victims – learn how to win back control in 1 hour! Webinar starts in just over 2.5 hours. #
  • Why the hurry to launch an MVP? From our Brazilian correspondent. #BoS2012 cc @ericries #
  • Too right. @bosconference Want you to know we're taking the food VERY seriously this year at Business of Software. #
  • It's baseball & I'm not American but the Colonial pitch invasion was fun. #
  • Germany celebrates Greek exit. 'Soccer' makes front Page of Wall Street Journal. #
  • Racing skiffs at the site of the Boston Tea Party. #notHenley #
  • Pro tip: your staying in a hotel too long when you walk in the elevator, reach round & hit your floor without looking. #
  • Pro tip 2: your staying in a hotel too long when you call a lift an, 'elevator'. It is of course a 'lift'. #homesick #
  • Dear England please win in normal time so I don't miss my flight. "Daddy's Coming Home" #
  • All the talk in this Boston bar is about Rooney's hair transplant. Not true fans. #euro2012 #
  • If Italy win, will John Terry put on an Italian kit? #Euro2012 #