[MiM 2012] Scott Eblen, Google. What do Twitter and Creme Brulee have in common?

Scott tells us where the money is in mobile social media. Clue: it is at the corner of Market in San Francisco (all becomes clear once you start watching). During his talk Scott illustrates the huge opportunity in mobile social media for traditional offline businesses and brick & mortar stores.

Making it Mobile – where mobile and business meet – is a forum for adopters of mobile to engage with disruptive businesses making mobile happen today. Expect relevant & insightful content and an audience of senior decision makers only: a formula we find delivers great events. We you are interested in supporting the event series or want to get involved, we’d love to hear from you.

Supporters of MiM 2011 and MiM 2012 include: BlackBerry, Rackspace, OpenMarket, Taylor Wessing, Fauna & Flora International, BDO, Ixonos and Intel Capital.

We’re running MiM again! Click here to see the schedule, book your Early Bird tickets and find out how you could get involved!
