- How the best companies interview for 'Cultural Fit' Handy 5 point guide by Mikey Trafton. http://t.co/sAvYYLEr #
- 5 neat steps to ensure new hires are a good fit. http://t.co/sAvYYLEr #culture #recruitment #hiring #
- Thanks Mikey! RT @mikeytrafton New Blog: Interviewing for Culture Fit (Business of Software Blog) http://t.co/hQNC5zia #
- Making social media work for B2B. Great Business of Software talk by @pistachio http://t.co/C6RcnKA5 #
- Any recommendations for sending BIG – 6Gb file? Don't need to store on cloud, just transfer. #
- Thanks for all file send suggestions. I have paid for a DropBox upgrade to do unlimited size file uploads. #
- Creepy man @realdonaldtrump. Meets Miss Teen USA http://t.co/ojJ7uEO0 Calls politician pervert http://t.co/NufYdNWu #
- Yes, the Teen USA pic IS in front of a Playboy cover. @realdonaldtrump. http://t.co/ojJ7uEO0 http://t.co/NufYdNWu #
- .@Nero You should also look at Public Sector Spending as percentage of GDP. http://t.co/RAuwvAhs Scotland NOT highest #
- Me too! @NeilDavidson Really looking forward to @spolsky's talk at #BoS2012 – http://t.co/SevpmvuM #
- Yay! @avangate offering some free passes to Business of Software Conference http://t.co/7WPcKFOg Apply NOW! #BoS2012 #
- Golf tip from @Dharmesh! Building Big Ass Software Businesses talk & transcript at #BoS2011 http://t.co/ionCWsVI #
- Watching NBC Live again? RT @jasonfried Tug-of-War – Olympic sport from 1900-1920. Bring this back! http://t.co/ZzjWCuFl #
- Father proves ice cream is all the motivation children need. http://t.co/SuQcbfC6 #
- Country Life! 🙂 RT @WardourWill Now a police car… This is the 2nd time in 10 years #
- How did the UK government manage to make Julian #Assange look *almost* statesmanlike? #