Questions for CEO Tales: How to sell your technology business successfully. 17th April.

Some interesting questions from attendees at our forthcoming CEO Tales: How to sell your technology business successfully. 6-9pm, 17th April, London.


Looks like it will be an entertaining discussion. What would you like to know?


  • Martin Leuw, Clearswift (still Clearswift!)
  • Wendy Tan White, Moonfruit (now hibu)
  • Shirin Dehghan, Arieso (now JDSU)
  • Ian Gotts, Nimbus (now TIBCO)

If you could put one question to the speakers and audience, what would it be?

  • Will being in the US & Asia increase value for a mobile ad technology business
  • Should I consider a trade sale to a ‘benign acquirer’ as an alternative to private equity funding?
  • Do I need IP Patents to create large value
  • What is the most valuable asset in a technology startup?
  • How was your experience with the M&A adviser?
  • What was the process you went through?
  • Were there any mis-alignments in sellers interests and how did you deal with them
  • Valuations for tech businesses vary widely.  Can you give some concrete examples of how valuations were settled.
  • How did you become attractive to the acquirer
  • Entrepreneurs sometimes have a number of start-ups on the go at once – How is this considered by a VC looking into invest into one of these companies?
  • Tips to exit successfuly
  • Tips to maximise exit
  • How much attention to exit should technology companies pay in the first 3 years of operations?
  • What is the M&A market actually doing at the moment?
  • Is the UK a good place to grow a software business, if so why – or why not.
  • to a speaker: what would you not compromise on when selling your business and why
  • Should an entrepreneur be thinking about exit strategy from day one … or just building a great business
  • What value does an investment bank bring to the table?
  • Building situation to create multiple bidders
  • IPO or Trade Sale?  What are the benefits and pit-falls of each option
  • How much should entrepreneurs starting a new venture think about their exit?
  • Which are the the more engaged VCs. European or North American for Early Stage Tech businesses
  • The best way to exit to US companies (without them knowing that you are trying 🙂
  • In which country shall the business be sold?
  • To what extent should succession management be built in pre-sale and to what extent can the buyer be relied on to supply it?
  • To what extent should succession management be built in pre-sale and to what extent can the buyer be relied on to supply it?
  • What tips would the speakers have for an entrepreneur to deal with the emotional ups and downs of selling their technology business?
  • What would the panel advise is the best way to leverage the exit value of a technology business?
  • What was your biggest mistake in the sale of your technology business and what would you do differently next time?
  • How can I find the best prospective purchaser for my company?
  • Do you think that Brit/Euro investors should focus less on business models (actually making money) and more on building huge user bases like is more common in the US?
  • Would you recommend using an advisor to sell your business – if so, why?
  • How do you choose when is the best time to sell?
  • How did you identify who you wanted to court to aquire your business and any tip on how to run the courtship
  • How did you judge the time to exit your business, and when did you plan your exit stratergy
  • What the pros and cons of using a Corporate finance Advisor for a relatively small transaction? How do you choose them? And what does it take to be an effective client?


  • Drinks networking, panel discussion and audience Q&A, drinks networking.

We’re very grateful to our sponsors for the evening who share our interest in making networking fun and informative, Erevena Executive SearchFirst CapitalRackspace and  UBS:


Erevena Executive Search for the technology industry

First Capital, supporters of digital business

Rackspace, supporters of digital industry

UBS supporters of technology business

