Is the team at Google the new Steve Jobs?

Is the team at Google the new Steve Jobs?

Well, the Google team at IO did one thing really, really well yesterday – getting people excited about new product announcements by focusing on making users feel awesome.

This is a good video encapsulating the 3 hour or so keynote at Google I/O yesterday. (#IO13). My Twitter feed seemed to be fairly evenly split between snark/cynicism and enthusiastic evangelism though there seemed to be a more balanced debate about the products, the implications for entrepreneurs building businesses in the technology ecosystem, possible future directions etc than there is during an Apple Keynote.

One thing struck me though. A lot of corporate launches, developer conferences etc these days have been widely ridiculed. Rightly so. Many of them seem to be competing for biggest waste of money to make your company/product look stupid ever – the Samsung S4 launch being an astonishing example.

The Google Keynote, despite being over 3 hours long, was compelling, slick and focused on end users. (What Kathy Sierra would call, making users awesome).

This is the thing that Steve Jobs always did and this was one was totally focused on that one thing…

“Technology should do the hard work so people can get one with doing the things that make them happiest in life.”
