Rackspace offers IoT Forum Startups over £15,000 of free web hosting

Rackspace offers IoT Forum Startups over £15,000 of free web hosting.

Crikey! (To steal Mr Flibble’s favourite phrase). That is insanely simple and a whole lot of startup love from Rackspace.

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“Startups hold a very special place in our hearts and we want to help as many as we can to succeed. A startup is inherently customer focused and we try to keep that spirit alive at Rackspace every single day.” Graham Weston, Rackspace Chairman

All companies make those sort of noises. it is really easy to say things that sound warm and fuzzy.

“So why don’t you prove it?”, I asked John Webb, Rackspace’s startup guy on the phone the other day.

“Allright, how?”

“Do something ridiculous like giving every startup at out IoT Forum free hosting for a year.” I said, to open the negotiation. He thought for a moment.

“Okay, let’s do it” he said.

Thank you Rackspace for putting your money where you mouth is. Thank you for offering every startup that attends the IoT Forum, in Cambridge on June 27th, a discount of £1,325 per month for a year. That is a whole lot of startup love.

And just to be clear, that isn’t the prize for a competition, that is an offer for any startup that is coming to the IoT Forum

Hurry on over and register now before it is too late. John and some of his team will be there on the day to get you going. We can’t wait.
