What is the biggest question in the IoT?

We normally ask delegates who register for BLN events what questions they’d like to get answered on the day and what problems they’re trying to solve. It’s not a very scientific poll but this time it’s generated some interesting responses. The biggest theme so far is from people trying to pin down a definition:

  • ‘I need to understand the landscape’
  • ‘Get beyond the hype and really understand the use cases’
  • ‘Clarify IoT in my head’
  • ‘Discovering more clues on the scope of the “IoT” concept’

Beyond that, nearly as many people are looking to identify partners: it seems some of the opportunities here are too big for one business to deal with on their own:

  • ‘find partners for great IoT projects’
  • ‘Develop our ecosystem’

And a third, significant, portion of questions are those talking about funding, where to get it and how to make themselves attractive to investors. Surely a good sign.

If you’d like to put your questions to the panels at IoT13, you can find more information on the event at the microsite here.