IoT13 – the day in 40 tweets

Last week’s IoT13 has presented me with something of a problem: how to summarise the deluge of debate, interesting facts, novel new ideas and the occasional oddity on the stage (yes, I’m looking at your shirts, Mark). Then it struck me – surely that’s what Twitter is for?

So here it is, our pick of the days comments from Twitter (although it doesn’t seem to have adjusted to BST terribly well, rather like the weather at the moment). We’ll be posting a more detailed breakdown, session by session, as we have video and powerpoint available, but for now, here is the 27th June in your own words:

7:34    On my way to Cambridge for a day of Internet of Things! #IoT13

8:15     Extraordinarily, Jean Luc Picard has appeared at #IoT13

8:40    Interesting stories of weekend hacks turning into actual business by @andysc: and #iot13

8:42     Transition from “code on devices” to “tools on platforms” — @andysc #iot13

8:56     The @electricimp guys just gave @MarkLittlewood a big red klaxon. BAD NEWS. #IoT13

8:59     Nice to see @unioncy treading the fine line between ‘forking hell, Millenials’ and ‘I think I want that’. #IoT13

9:12     BT focusing on transport in East of England – good luck there mate! #iot13

9:18     Lightening round 5 minute talk at #IoT13  I can’t even order breakfast in 5 mins but apparently I got the #IoT talk out!  #GreatFun

9:41     Playing on fun energy harvesting playground toy at #IoT13

10:02     #iot13 #dontmentionthestandards

10:09     Mind buzzing with ideas at #IOT13

10:20     Lovely to see a tech panel which is 75% female at #IoT13

10:25     The web became successful because it was open most of the IoT projects have a closed mindset, we need to enable bottom-up innovation#IoT13

10:28     #Smartcities don’t look like the future. In fact, they’re invisible to people #iot13 #vine #NoAffordance

10:41     Lovely Wild West analogy at the #IOT13 Smart Cities panel. Q. What should we be making right now? A. “Levi’s, shovels and picks.”

11:06     Future proofing and innovation are in conflict with each other #iot13

11:11     The last thing anyone wants to be is a network manager in their own home – Nick Hunn #Iot13

11:20     Mean time to kitchen drawer for new tools and gadgets. Engagement issues in the physical world too. Not just apps.  #iot13

11:21     Fear, self-loathing & redemption as 3 motivational narratives for consumer IoT adoption – interesting #IoT13

11:26     #iot13 make privacy simple – then I’m sure ppl will opt in

11:33     For real IoT in action, @IotShirtMonitor is monitoring the loudness of @MarkLittlewood’s shirt at #IoT13

11:37     #iot13 what a great business idea and excellent presentation – Good night lamp – @GNLteam

11:41     I heart, way more fun than boring bluetooth by @animalsystems @goodmachine @ideoforms #iot13 #cute #iot

13:01     RT @IotShirtMonitor: Having checked the tweeted photos.  MARK your shirt is too loud. #iot13

13:24     Hacker Hustler Hipster. Every startup needs all three. Great Nike visionary. #iot13

13:24     #iot13 #thankgodfornike

13:52     Good observation on #iot13 panel session: IOT will be key enabler for mass personalisation of consumer services.

13:58     RT @ajncreate: ‘Privacy, its a risk / reward tradeoff’ #IOT13

14:26     Really starting to get sick of cloud shaped logos #IoT13

14:27     Anyone want to take part in possible RedGate Down Tools IoTathon @galbraithsimon is your guy. #IoT13

15:08     Yes! An interactive audio drumkit poster! #iot13 @ Robinson College

15:23     Hey did I just get called a Darwinian hopeful monster? #IoT13

15:25     Really good to hear economic perspective from William Janeway putting IoT in context of marginal costs, tech bubbles and recession #iot13

15:25     RT @andysc: I wonder if #connectedmousetraps will become the new #internetfridge at #IOT13 ? 😉

15:38     if you’re on your own with a great idea, you might still be crazy… if you already have a team, less likely #IOT13

15:56     RT @MrBeautifulDodo: The “money panel” at #iot13 was brillant. Lots of insights about the start-up economic ecosystem

16:14     Interesting insights from @hfiennes   founder of @electricimp on why its a US rather than UK startup #IOT13

16:21     So the winning business model for #iot is to make it cheap enough that people don’t know they’re buying it. #IOT13

16:38     Stan Boland thinks there is a ‘super-saturated solution’ just waiting for a crystal to form (and he has a history of multi-£m exits) #iot13

16:46     at 9am we were mocking internet fridges, 5:30 and were talking about internet connected shampoo, I blame the coffee! #IoT13

Thank you all for coming and contributing to a really memorable day – if you have photos, blogs or other things to share, just get in touch and we’ll pass them along to all those who were there.

We’re already thinking about IoT14 and want to make it better. If you have views that you’d like to share with us please get in touch with