Because what the world needs is an Internet connected toothbrush

The world will be a better place now I can monitor my teeth brushing activities via a mobile app. Welcome the world’s first connected electric toothbrush from Kolibree. Coming Q3 2014.

“With its Bluetooth connectivity and unlike anything that exists today, Kolibree’s smart toothbrush has a unique technology to analyze your brushing uses and display your progress on mobile dashboard for easy access on your smartphone. With Kolibree’s smart toothbrush & mobile app, you can take control of your teeth & have a fun experience.@kolibree

“Making sure that all teeth are properly brushed is critical. Kolibree might very well be the next evolutionary step in dental prevention that clinicians, who have patients that need to improve oral hygiene, have been waiting for.” Dr. Holly Hasegawa, DDS, MS (Seattle, WA)

Just what the dentist ordered an d just what consumers are waiting for to turn their daily brushing routine into a motivating experience.
