Work experience.

I recently experienced the, how shall I put this, ‘buzz’ of Bln. At first I was just finishing what I started last time i.e: downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, downloading then uploading, then, finally putting it all onto a spreadsheet. I had just finished but then my dad (sorry, sorry ‘boss’) asked me to put them all on the BLN website with description and title and yada, yada, yada. I finished so quickly I got the ‘finishing hat’ a pirate hat from Hermione. But then I had to start writing a blog, this blog, I’m not sure if this is even blog material but I shall carry on. Honestly it was fun, although I only earned £1 an hour!!!