Carter Ruck – not just for dirty old oil spills.

Wanted to celebrate the outstanding work of excellent law firm Carter Ruck who fresh on the heels of their brilliant work with Trafigura, the Guardian and others have threatened bView with legal action over a customer review of Interexec alleging high pressure sales practices.

Interexec is a strange beast – it takes money up front from executives on the promise of putting them in touch with head hunters who then throw highly paid jobs at them. I have not heard great things about them from anyone in the past although this is a very odd part of the market and the fact that they exist at all perhaps reflects the inherenet insecurity of high-earning and high-achieving excecutives. You would have thought that highly intelligent executives would be more sensible than to fall for such a process in the first place. Why such a high quality firm needs to employ a combination of flattery and double glazing salespeople’s tactics to get clients to part with their own money is anyone’s guess so I am sure the accusation in the customer review is entirely baseless.

No doubt Interexec have lots of happy customers who don’t feel pressured into working with them. That does not mean that customers or potential customers who do feel pressurised should not be able to share their views though.

This is a copy of the well crafted letter from Carter Ruck that bView chose to share.

Carter Ruck letter to bView

Carter Ruck letter to bView

You can read more about bView’s view here.

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2 responses to “Carter Ruck – not just for dirty old oil spills.”

  1. Eamonn quigley says:

    Interexec – they are as bad now as they were in 2009. I paid them £25k and they have delivered nothing. Others need to be warned!

  2. Peter Graham says:

    There are two firms in that have over offered and under delivered for many years
    This is one of them. In the sector they are notorious. Well done Eamonn.
    Most people are too embarrassed to complain that they have paid fees in the £15 to £25K range and got nothing for their money.
    There are much better offerings so it pays to shop around.