Sky Sports – we don’t like sexists – Oh no! We do like sexy ladies – oh yes!

It was interesting that Sky Sports came out so strongly against the sexist comments and behaviour of its star commentators Andy Gray and Richard Keys. The kind of behaviour epitomised by their comments has no place in business or sport. I think it is right that they have gone, but I am surprised by the tone of the comments from management.

Barney Francis, Managing Director of Sky Sports said,

“I have spoken directly to both Richard Keys and Andy Gray this morning. It has been made clear to each of them that their comments were totally unacceptable.

“Those views are inexcusable, entirely inconsistent with our ethos as a business and employer, and will rightly offend many of our customers, our people, and the wider public.

“They are inexcusable from anyone at Sky, regardless of their role or seniority. We have dealt with this matter by taking immediate disciplinary action.”

This cannot be the same company that runs the Sky Sports Soccerettes, ‘Soccerette of the Week’ site over at good old is it?

Sky Sports Soccerettes

Sky Sports Soccerettes

Why yes! It appears so.

There are lots of theories around that Gray and the other one were sacked because their colleagues had stitched them up as they were so obnoxious to others. Whatever is behind their departure, it seems odd that Sky Sports should claim that it was down to their sexist attitudes when the evidence suggests that that same sexist approach is celebrated in other parts of the organisation.

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