Android increases Smartphone market share by 27% in three months!

US usage of smartphones increased dramatically in the last 3 months December 2010 – February 2011 fueled by the march of the Android machines. They really do seem to be taking over at frightening speed (if you were Microsoft, RIM, Palm or even Apple). Comscore’s latest MobiLens service.

Android taking over

In a market where Smartphone ownership increased 13% in a 3 month period, Android’s share of the market grew from 26% to 33% IN THREE MONTHS. That is staggering growth although it is not as some observers think, down to Google taking share from Apple. Apple’s share in fact grew slightly from 25%- 25.2% over this period. Microsoft, RIM and Palm dropped 7% between them.

Top Smartphone Platforms

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2011 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2010

Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens

Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers
Nov-10 Feb-11 Point Change
Total Smartphone Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Google 26.0% 33.0% 7.0
RIM 33.5% 28.9% -4.6
Apple 25.0% 25.2% 0.2
Microsoft 9.0% 7.7% -1.3
Palm 3.9% 2.8% -1.1

The platform market seem to be evolving rapidly though this isn’t apparently being driven by the OEMs. Apple has increased market share here but still only represents a relatively small (7.5%) amount of the market.

Top Mobile OEMs

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2011 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2010

Total U.S. Mobile Subscribers Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens

Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers
Nov-10 Feb-11 Point Change
Total Mobile Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Samsung 24.5% 24.8% 0.3
LG 20.9% 20.9% 0.0
Motorola 17.0% 16.1% -0.9
RIM 8.8% 8.6% -0.2
Apple 6.6% 7.5% 0.9

People in the US are also using their phones for more things – not surprising as they work out how to use their phones.

Mobile Content Usage

3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2011 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2010

Total U.S. Mobile Subscribers Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens

Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers
Nov-10 Feb-11 Point Change
Total Mobile Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Sent text message to another phone 67.1% 68.8% 1.7
Used browser 35.3% 38.4% 3.1
Used downloaded apps 33.4% 36.6% 3.2
Accessed social networking site or blog 23.5% 26.8% 3.3
Played Games 22.6% 24.6% 2.0
Listened to music on mobile phone 15.0% 17.5% 2.5

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2 responses to “Android increases Smartphone market share by 27% in three months!”

  1. Thanks to Tony Short at JasperApps for the link to revenue information – Apple apparently had 83% of revenue in market in in 2010.

  2. The very latest coming in from the company Quantcast shows that the lead Apple has in the mobile Web usage arena is a declining one..The data was just published Friday and it shows that the month ending of August 2010 had 56 of the United States mobile web usage coming from iOS devices. They have an additional share of 10 from just a year prior..RIM the maker of the has maintained a relatively steady 9 with the other coming in at a market share of 10 ..When it comes to the iOS devices losing their share of the market isn t something that s really all that surprising due to the fact that they re likely to continue losing shares of the mobile web usage market as the competitors to Apple continue on the present trend of churning out more and more Android devices. Quantcast is counting the iOS mobile devices as the iPhone and the iPod Touch both from Apple..The amount of handset makers that are now using Android for their mobile devices are into the double digits which makes it a pipedream to think that the Mobile OS from Apple is going to be able to continue outpacing that of its rivals and all of the companies combined Android sales..To put it another way the iOS could only manage to maintain their dominant role in mobile Web usage if every single one of their competitors managed to fail to design an even ok mobile device.