Startups: 2 for 1 tickets for BoS UK

Register for a 2 for 1 startup ticket for BoS UK here before 1st June.

Very interesting conversation with our French friend Gregory this morning, in which he told me that lots of startups in Europe being told to come to London to get funding, test their market and, effectively, sharpen their business.

London’s certainly got a lot to offer small software businesses, including any number of networking groups where you can meet fellow startups and share experience. Which is great, however sometimes what founders need is a chance to talk about their challenges with someone who has been through something similar, found a solution and moved on to the next thing. Someone who can provide an answer, not just agreement about the pain. In other words, the chance to talk to founders and senior people from more established businesses, software companies facing the challenge of growth.


Even in Shoreditch you don’t fall over these people in the street, but they are coming in strength to BoS UK, so we have decided to put together a ticket for startups. This is a change for us: the typical delegate to BoS US has been from a profitable, bootstrapping business, rather than pre-revenue. But the US scene is different: there’s a higher population of successful SaaS and software businesses, and more of a culture of shared learning.

We want to build something similar in Europe so have put together two options for start ups:

STARTUP two for one ticket offer for Business of Software Conference.

1) Buy one, get one free. If you are less than two years old and pre-funding, you can bring two delegates from your business for the price of one. This ticket is available until the end of May.

2) One day tickets. We will announce an outline schedule shortly, to allow you to decide which day has most value for you.

Registration for either of these options is here and you can keep an eye on new speakers and the schedule by checking up the website. Or join our mailing list for regular updates on all things BoS UK.

One response to “Startups: 2 for 1 tickets for BoS UK”

  1. Ayush G.V. says:

    Looking to attend next year .. Staying connected!