Jim McCormick, ADE651. How can someone profit by causing death & misery?
January 22, 2010 by Mark T Littlewood
Watching Newsnight this evening it seems that Jim McCormick, the ‘inventor’ of the ADE 651 is finally being exposed in the mainstream press. (Private Eye have of course been on the case for a long time). The device is basically a divining rod dressed up with a whizzy name. Watch this to see the magic detection card being taken apart by an electronics expert to reveal that it is in fact a cheap anti-shop lifting device.
Jim is the sole shareholder of ATSC Exports Ltd and ATSC UK Ltd. They sell what they call an explosives detector that sells for about $40,000. Allegedly over £80 million of them have been sold in Iraq alone. Trouble is, they are absolutely and utterly useless. Jim claims that his magic machine can detect explosives in ideal conditions up to 1km away.
In a country like Iraq, desperate for anything that can help limit the bloodshed and bombings that are an everyday occurrence, it is not hard to see why people would be prepared to invest in anything that could help. The government has just banned the export of these devices to some countries on the grounds that they could put the lives of UK forces at risk, but they are still able to export to other countries.
It is impossible for me to understand how someone could sell such a device and profit from the misery of others, when by doing so he is almost certainly causing the deaths of people who are given a false sense of safety.
About as close to being downright evil as I think you could get.
You can follow me on Twitter if you like that sort of thing. @marklittlewood