Why I sold CD Baby & gave the money away. Video & transcript of talk by Derek Sivers.
August 16, 2011 by Mark T Littlewood
We know that not everyone can get to the Business of Software conference but we do want to be able to share some of the incredible stories that the speakers share. Most of the talks are posted online, with the permission of the speakers. Not everyone gets to sit down for an hour to listen to a talk though.
The Business of Software conference will be held in Boston, October 24-26th October 2011. We are planning to post talks online with a transcript of the talks so you can watch, or if you prefer, read what was said.
This is the first one. Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby who recently published a book that ANYONE who is an entrepreneur, or is considering being one, should read – Anything You Want. It is short. It talks about values, not term sheets. Unless I am missing something, values should always come before term sheets.
We are massively pleased that Derek has just offered to talk at Business of Software 2011. He inspires, teaches and makes you think – the essence of what Business of Software is about.
You can see my notes taken on the day, with some pictures and slides here.
Transcript of Derek Sivers’ Business of Software talk:
Joel Spolsky: I want to introduce you to a musician who had trouble figuring out how to make CDs for his friends and realized it. Others of his friends might have the same problem and created CD baby, which is a huge hit. He sold that could figure out what to do with the money, are you going to tell them about that, or should I? Okay, he’ll tell you about that. And he’s currently working on something called Muck Work , which is not yet launched, I believe. Unless I’m not totally up-to-date. So stealth mode, no? He’ll tell you about that too. Derek Sivers.
Derek Sivers: Thanks. All right. Is it up there? Okay. So, you know, when you do a talk at a conference like this, you have to try and get the people what they want to hear. And you know, we learn from being here. It’s unwise to guess.
So I figured I might as well do some AB testing and let you guys choose what topic you want. So take a minute to look at the screen. Originally I came here on the program, I was going to talk A and because I can thought that this is more just a straight up give facts Conference. As I’ve been here for the last few days, we’ve heard some amazing stories from people that were in it and learn from what our mistakes, and learn from successes. So did everyone see the table of contents? Talk A? Talk B? Okay. Talk B if you want the full version of it has the sub title of how I screwed up so badly I had to sell. But the short version. So I figured if I had to just choose between talk a and talk b, then certain people would be just disappointed. ” So, could you just give me talk B later?” So I made sure I can do this last night. While the time thing is counting up. Okay, good. So if you want I can fit both talk a and talk B into 15 min. each. So, show of hands, even if you ordinarily don’t raise your hands. Option number one for me to do just talk a on profitability. Oh, wildly popular. Option to just talk B how I sold the company, including all the dirty details. Surprising. Okay talk three. I mean, option three. Combining a and B. Both. It’s kind of a tossup between. [Audience input] Or passionate users, for option two!
All right. Well then, just in case I was prepared to give a 1 min. version of the article probability. So let’s see. Doubling your prices can sometimes increase sales. A friend of mine, a puppeteer – raised his because he wanted more time to spend with the kids. Some doctors in China charge you when you’re healthy, not when you’re sick. So it’s in their best interest to get you healthy again so that you continue to pay them. You don’t pay them when you’re sick, because they’re not doing their job. Free conference calls, makes the conference calls free because of something they call traffic pumping. So that the rural long-distance carriers actually pay them for every long-distance minute that you call them. A Better Place Shai Agassi, gives away the car so that you use their electric system. It’s good to have more than one profit models, sometimes we have one profit model, but it’s collective pedestal. If you get a crack in the pedestal you only have one profit model, it could all crash. See you think, okay, I’ll have two profit models, I’ll be like Tarzan or you hold onto one line and in the next fine is coming up soon and you’re like, okay, got my next profit model ready. But you’re still at risk if someone snaps your vine. Do you see where I am in the slide? So, I always say it’s good to be kind of a table with many legs. Many profit models. So that anyone can crack and it’s not devastating. So I was can it talks about some things. But I guess I will go over the obvious. This short, TLDR; version of this is there’s a book called the Art of Profitability that I highly recommend. Most of those couldn’t talk about his better side in that. So it’s could be kindly just a sales pitch for the book. So write down that book, if you want to see what my first talk would’ve been. How’s that for a 1 min. version? [audience clapping]