Water Water Everywhere | How IoT is Bringing Water to People That Need It
March 12, 2015 by Mark T Littlewood
Moti Tabulo at U-Blox shows how the IoT can help consumers in developing and developed countries can actively save a scarce resource.
Moti Tabulo at U-Blox shows how the IoT can help consumers in developing and developed countries can actively save a scarce resource.
Best delivery of slides based on suggested talk title in show.
Simon Ford, mBed at ARM discusses ARM’s strategy for an Open IoT system and the terrifyingly long time-scales involved in building an industry.
Phani Pandraghi, Kii
Designing for connected products is different. To create a great connected product, industrial design, software UX and system design need to be considered in collaboration. Teams must think creatively to design elegant solutions around the limited capabilities of embedded devices.
“80% truth, 20% bullshit but I don’t know which is which.” Rick Bullota
A fantastic talk by Rick Bullota at Thingworx on some of the lessons he has learned in building and selling Lighthammer and Thingworx.
Nigel Chadwick, Stream technologies talks about the emerging business models the IoT is enabling.
Chris Beanland, Head of New Products, Hive talks about the strategic rationale behind Hive, how they operate, get to market and the challenges of working as a small startup within a large corporation.
“Your home will become a hive of wretched scum and villainy”
(Don’t know about you but my home already is. I have two children).
Rick Robinson gave a stunning, thoughtful, talk on Smart Cities, Design Patterns, Smart Urbanism and the anthropology of adoption.
This is one problem that Smart Cities must address: Life Expectancy at Birth & Child Poverty as a Tube Map
“Cities, countries, villages, whatever, have to be smart, not technology enabled. People focused, not technology led”
Translational thinking – massive amounts of small-scale innovation.
Too busy to blog! Will be a fantastic video though…